Every resident of Ward 7 deserves to witness and experience the investments being made in their communities. While many neighborhoods throughout the District have seen significant investments before and after the devastating pandemic, unfortunately, that has not been the same reality for the nearly 86,000 residents who call Ward 7 home.   

As your Ward 7 councilmember, Wendell is committed to fighting tirelessly to improve the quality of life for all Ward 7 residents, not just for today but for future generations to come, through his Ward 7 Recovery Plan

The Ward 7 Recovery Plan is centered around the following priority areas:  

  • Building safe and healthy communities  

  • Driving intentional, inclusive, and equitable economic growth 

  • Preserving affordable housing and expanding homeownership opportunities 

  • Investing in our youth by strengthening neighborhood schools and expanding recreational opportunities 

  • Supporting small and minority-owned businesses 

  • Strengthening transportation infrastructure    

  • Addressing healthcare inequity and combating poverty

Delivering Intentional, Inclusive, Equitable Economic Growth

Given the limited space available for development in Ward 7, the District must take intentional steps to ensure that the right investments are made in Ward 7 and that investments are equitable and inclusive. Additionally, it is imperative that residents have a seat at the table when decisions are made regarding which neighborhood-serving amenities should come into their communities. 

As your Ward 7 Council member, Wendell will fight to: 

  • Introduce legislation that establishes long-term commitments to support the revitalization of Ward 7 economic corridors and stalled development projects

  • Collaborate with the Deputy Mayor of Planning and Economic Development (DMPED) and the Office of Planning (OP) to conduct a Ward Wide Development Plan that is community-driven and outlines both short and long-term development and growth strategies

  • Introduce legislation to provides incentives for businesses to relocate or expand in underserved areas like Ward 7

  • Work collaboratively with the Executive Office of the Mayor (EOM) and City Council to ensure that the redevelopment of RFK Stadium is community-responsive and beneficial to all residents, including marginalized and underrepresented populations.

Read more about Wendell’s ideas for public safety here.

Preserving Affordable Housing and Expanding Homeownership Opportunities

Every resident in the Ward deserves to have access to safe, stable, quality, and affordable housing that meets the needs of their family’s income and size regardless of age, profession, race, or background. 

As your Ward 7 Councilmember, Wendell will fight to: 

  • Partner with the Department of Health and Human Services Cluster and the D.C. Housing Authority to conduct site visits across Ward 7 to determine the housing quality for residents living in underserved and overlooked communities

  • Introduce legislation that allows the city to acquire, manage, and repurpose vacant, abandoned, and foreclosed properties so they can be transformed into affordable housing, community spaces, or commercial developments

  • Introduce legislation to allows government employees and other key professionals to purchase, renovate, and live in vacant properties

  • Introduce legislation to offer expanded tax abatements to seniors, disabled residents, and low-income individuals to support home retention and combat gentrification.

Neighborhood Schools & Growing Adult Learning

Ward 7 families deserve to have access to high-performing public schools that are safe and meet the academic needs of their families. No parent in the ward should ever have to drive outside of their community to ensure their child has access to a quality education. We need to increase our investments in early childhood education while also meeting the needs of our children at every stage of their academic careers. We must also provide safe and extended out-of-school time opportunities for youth and young adults. 

As your Ward 7 Councilmember, Wendell will fight to:           

  • Establish a Ward 7 Educators Council to foster an environment in which principals, teachers, and other educational professionals can share ideas and solutions to support students

  • Advocate for the modernization of Ward 7 schools and the development of a new middle school in Ward 7

  • Introduce legislation to reimagine the school funding formula to ensure that schools in Ward 7 are adequately funded to support students

  • Introduce legislation to expand current out-of-school time programming and fund innovative community-led out-of-school time programming for families across Ward 7.

Supporting Small and Minority-Owned Businesses

We must create an environment in which every business in Ward 7 feels safe and supported by the District. Ward 7 residents deserve to work in the communities where they live. Small and local businesses are the backbone of our economy, and we must protect and preserve them while also creating opportunities for new businesses to thrive. 

As your Ward 7 Councilmember, Wendell will fight to: 

  • Work with public and private partners to establish a Ward 7 Business Incubator Fund to provide capacity-building services for new businesses, funding opportunities for existing businesses, and shared workspaces

  • Work with the Department of Small and Local Business (DSLBD) and the Office of Contracting and Procurement (OCP) to strengthen connections between prime contractors and small, local, and disadvantaged businesses

  • Introduce legislation to strengthen enforcement of First Source laws and other laws designed to protect and procure services from small businesses.

Strengthening Pedestrian and Transportation Infrastructure

All communities across Ward 7 deserve to have access to various modes of transportation and feel safe while walking, biking or driving in their neighborhoods. It's crucial to ensure that government agencies are accountable for providing every community and neighborhood in Ward 7 with the essential infrastructure required to support safe and dependable transportation options. This is vital for guaranteeing equitable access for all residents to key services and opportunities not only located within the Ward, but across the city.

As your Ward 7 Councilmember, Wendell will fight to:

Work with D.C. government agencies in the Operations and Infrastructure Cluster to conduct infrastructure needs assessments across Ward 7 neighborhoods

Work with the D.C. Department of Transportation to reduce the number of traffic fatalities across the Ward by strengthening traffic calming measures throughout every neighborhood in Ward 7

Introduce legislation that pushes long-standing transportation infrastructure projects across Ward 7

Introduce legislation that requires the D.C. Department of Transportation to gain community input throughout the planning and implementation of infrastructure development projects

Work to increase green infrastructure and advocate for the development of pedestrian friendly neighborhoods throughout all Ward 7 communities.

Addressing Healthcare Inequity and Combating Poverty

Addressing healthcare inequality while combating poverty across Ward 7 is interconnected. Unfortunately, many communities across Ward 7 are experiencing some of the highest healthcare disparities and poverty levels compared to other parts of the district. This can be attributed to a host of reasons ranging from limited access to healthy food, not having a full-service hospital and limited educational and employment opportunities. 

As your Ward 7 Councilmember, Wendell will fight to:   

  • Introduce legislation to increase the funding to support more food access programs and push to have community gardens in every middle and elementary school across Ward 7 where community members and families have access

  • Work with D.C. Public and Charter Schools to offer classes that teach students and parents living in underserved communities how to grow their own healthy foods        

  • Fight to build a new full-service hospital and other healthcare facilities across Ward 7 to support community living with healthcare challenges

  • Work with the D.C. Poverty Commission to address the deeply rooted causes of poverty in Ward 7 and afterward work with key District agencies to develop a comprehensive plan where we can transform poverty into prosperity.